Intermediary Customer Purchasing from the Product Producer

Sell Steps: Sell steps include the activities Intermediary customers take in selling and delivering the product to their customers. These activities include their own customer recruitment and product delivery.

Resources: Reduce resources required for the use of the product

2. Time – Reduce the time the customer must spend with the product

c. Help customers obtain and use related products
Add to the main product components the customer uses

Build complementary product into main product

No. SIC Year Note
1 3571 2000 Apple Computer's new built-in applications such as iTunes digital music software and iDVD digital image software are the staples of Apple's goal to become a unique, central hub in the booming digital age. These applications are more important to Apple's newest Macs than any Internet programs or speedy processors.
2 3661 2002 The T-Mobile Sidekick, one of a growing number of handheld computer-phone combos, features a screen that rotates to reveal a keyboard for sending e-mail and instant messages. It is priced at $200 with monthly fees of $35. The product is aimed at 18 to 34-year olds.
3 3661 2002 Since cellular phone sales to consumers are beginning to level off, communications companies are looking to insert wireless devices into machines. Nokia Corp. and Hewlett-Packard Co. teamed up to build a mini-Nokia cellular device that's tied into HP computers.
4 3661 2003 Nextel's push-to-talk service is built around Motorola's iDen network, a digital voice and data technology that uses advanced compression algorithms to allow walkie-talkie service.
5 3661 2005 LG Electronics is betting on new next-generation cellular networks, or 3G, and plans to release two 3G phones. The newer one has a high-resolution camera, Bluetooth wireless and a built-in digital music player.
6 4813 2000 With cell phones seemingly in every pocket, fewer people must rely on phones that are attached, quaintly, to a wall or booth. There are still 2 million pay phones across the United States, but that is down by 300,000 in the last two years alone. In response the companies that make or operate pay phones are rushing to reinvent themselves, working to change the perception that pay phones are nothing but black boxes for making calls. New technology will transform them into tools to provide communications access to the Internet, find local news and weather and even offer e-mail.
7 4813 2000 Elcotel is breaking new ground with 27 software patents that would transform a pay phone into a snappy unit with a 5-inch video screen that provides ads, restaurant listings and access to "800" numbers. After spending $8 million on research, Elcotel sold 45,000 of its Grapevine models for $125 million to Canada Payphone, which began installing them in March. In June, software will be installed to make them Internet-friendly. Revenue would be generated from advertisers, transaction fees and revenue-sharing agreements. The phones can be used with a credit card.
8 6141 2000 EBay Inc. and Wells Fargo & Co. are teaming up on an ambitious plan to let millions of online enthusiasts take credit-card payments when selling items on the Internet. Billpoint, the joint effort of eBay and Wells Fargo, is meant to provide a faster way for both eBay users and other consumers to do business online. Buyers should be able to enter their credit-card data, click a button on their computer and electronically send money to the seller's checking account within seconds.

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