Final Customer Purchasing from the Product Producer

Maintain Steps: Maintain steps include all activities required to keep the product in working order. These steps include the costs the customer incurs to diagnose and correct product problems.

Intellectual: Segment customers on the basis of their current knowledge and understanding of the company and its products

A. Knowledge of company and company product

3. Knowledge of product technology

Little- very limited exposure, may be new to the market

No. SIC Year Note
1 3579 2003 Dell's printers feature a system that prompts users to order replacement cartridges – that's where the big money is in the printer game – when they're running low on ink or toner. Users are directed to Dell's online imaging supply store.
2 7372 2005 On the high end, SAP and Oracle are improving their CRM for large international clients. Rivals and RightNow Technologies–which feature a hosted CRM business model to maintain the software and give it out to clients as needed–have reporte

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