Final Customer Purchasing from the Product Producer

Acquire Steps: Acquire steps include all activities the customer completes preceding the use or the consumption of the product. These steps include the customer's efforts needed for evaluation and acquisition of the product.

Resources: Reduce resources required for the use of the product

Energy – Reduce the energy the customer uses with the product

A. Effort – Reduce the physical constraints on the customer

Overcome physical limitations of the user
Alter dimensions

Alter dimensions to fit a particular customer need

No. SIC Year Note
1 0 2004 The most effective strategy for serving affluent customers is to give them entire stores or malls of their own. Poag and McEwen have built lifestyle centers. These complexes feature open-air shopping, high-end stores, and parking lot access to every shop. And because they are small compared to typical malls, they can be located closer to affluent neighborhoods.
2 2676 2004 In Russia P&G started talking to Russian women and learned that most disliked the Always pads for feminine protection. It turned out most liked a thicker pad because it made them feel more secure. By designing one P&G has gained eight share points in Russia and the company's margins are on par with the corporate average.
3 3100 2004 Merrell, the hiking boot maker, has the new Continuum line divided into "silos," which are organized around different activities and "Multisport," which are for outdoor cross-training. The collection follows a new, slimmed-down approach to the brand's footwear, in which "every activity has a shoe and every shoe has an activity."

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