Countering Falling Prices with StrategyStreet

How Do I Change Pricing?


  1. Attract customers by encouraging them to make an initial or follow-on purchase, including the following sub-objectives:

    • Attract customers of a vulnerable competitor.

    • Encourage initial or occasional demand.

    • Encourage purchase of other products separate from the discounted product.

    • Improve share of customer purchases.

    • Liquidate inventory.

  2. Retain customers who would purchase from a competitor, including the following sub-objectives:

    • Match competitive prices.

    • Punish or preempt competitive discounts.

    • Narrow price differences with competition.

    • Avoid adverse public action reducing company revenues.

  3. Reward customers to encourage their cost saving or revenue building actions, including the following sub-objectives:

    • Reward customers with low cost-to-serve.

    • Shift demand to more favorable time.

    • Reward creation of demand.