Intermediary Customer Purchasing from the Product Producer

Sell Steps: Sell steps include the activities Intermediary customers take in selling and delivering the product to their customers. These activities include their own customer recruitment and product delivery.

Experience: Enhance the experience the customer has with the product

3. Increase the customer's sense of security with the product

Warnings and advice

No. SIC Year Note
1 3711 1986 Acura dealers in Japan are facing similar problems. There, the Legend is sometimes sold side-by-side with low-priced Civics, blurring the luxury image Honda is trying to create.
2 5712 1999 Stanley Furniture Co. recently agreed to let offer Stanley products on its Web site for a 60-day test period. The idea behind the test was to see whether the company could reach new customers through an Internet dealer and provide satisfactory service to those customers. But Stanley's traditional customers, conventional furniture stores, protested so loudly that the company ended the Internet test after a couple of weeks. Some of the stores said Internet sales violated exclusive rights they had to sell Stanley products in certain areas. For now, Stanley has reverted to banning online sales of its products.

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