How well does our system work? You can use the numerical index to check our blogs from the last big recession.

Much of the world suffered a severe recession from 2008 to 2011.  During that time, we wrote more than 250 blogs using publicly available information and our Strategystreet system to project what would happen in various companies and industries who were living in those hostile environments.  In 2022, we began to update each of these blogs to see what later took place and to check the quality of our conclusions. To date, we have completed the first 175 of our original blogs.  You can use these updated blogs to see how well the Strategystreet system works.

2-Sprint Nextel’s Stumble

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Sprint Nextel appears to be in real trouble. A recent Wall Street Journal article offered a long analysis of the company and its current challenges. Sprint Nextel is illustrating the way market share is lost in most markets. In short, Sprint Nextel is losing the most profitable customers (post paid contract subscribers) to the top two carriers, AT&T and Verizon, as well as to the fourth ranked competitor, T-Mobile USA. Sprint Nextel’s losses in customers may be as much as 2% of these valuable customers in a quarter. These are the best customers, so the…

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1-GM and Sears…slip sliding away

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Over the last few weeks, both GM and Sears, while leaders in their markets, have announced a new round of lay offs. This is a sad development to watch, especially since these lay-offs are unlikely to be the last. I have watched these two great companies stumble toward oblivion throughout my entire working life. I have been fortunate to have nearly forty years in a professional life. In my earliest years, I consulted for a company who wanted to sell to Sears. In those days, the early 70s, Sears was then what Wal-Mart is today.…

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