Intermediary Customer Purchasing from the Product Producer

Sell Steps: Sell steps include the activities Intermediary customers take in selling and delivering the product to their customers. These activities include their own customer recruitment and product delivery.

Resources: Reduce resources required for the use of the product

2. Time – Reduce the time the customer must spend with the product

b. Improve wait times in the process
Reduce wait times in the process

Speed the process

No. SIC Year Note
1 3100 2002 Coach has switched its manufacturing from company-run factories to independent factories that are able to move faster to catch fashion trends and work in materials other than leather.
2 3861 1997 Bell & Howell's electronic parts cataloging business converts catalogs at automotive dealerships into databases that make it easier to access inventory. Meanwhile, its mail-processing unit is growing faster than expected. The unit helps clients who do massive bulk-mailings target their customers more specifically, so a bank can send a monthly statement with extra-large type to customers with poor eyesight.
3 6141 2005 Credit Acceptance Corp. advances dealers less than most other subprime lenders – under 50% of the total amount due on a loan, including interest. In turn, it promises dealers it'll approve a loan on any vehicle on its lot within 30 seconds.

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