Brainstorming Ideas: A Final Customer Purchasing from the Producer of the Product

A Final customer buying from a product producer. The Final customer is the one who makes the final decision on what product to buy and from which supplier to buy it. Some Final customers purchase directly from the producer of a product.

Maintain Steps: Maintain steps include all activities required to keep the product in working order. These steps include the costs the customer incurs to diagnose and correct product problems.

Emotional: Segment customers according to the personal emotional needs of the segment.

  1. Needs for comfort and status

  2. Needs to avoid sources of anxiety


      1. An Individual – a specific person, apart from the company or process. Examples>>

      2. A piece of equipment or product – a specific product apart from the company or process

        1. Segment's recognition of third party endorsements Examples>>

        2. Segment that will accept a guarantee Examples>>

      3. A process or procedure: A specific process apart from the company or product.

        1. Segment's recognition of third party endorsements Examples>>

        2. Segment that will accept a guarantee Examples>>

        3. Segment that would prefer a specific limit to its risk Examples>>

      4. Company capability: Company capability that crosses all products

        1. Function Leader: The company can be counted on to lead the industry in Function innovation

          1. Size, speed and power Examples>>

          2. Choice of products Examples>>

        2. Reliability Leader: The company can be counted on to lead the industry in major aspects of Reliability – Segment interested in being assured that:

          1. Product will work Examples>>

          2. Product will be fixed promptly Examples>>

          3. Product will be available and delivered as promised Examples>>

          4. Company will maintain consistent presence in market Examples>>

          5. Company will respond promptly Examples>>

        3. Convenience Leader: The company can be counted on to be the industry leader in Convenience innovations – Segment interested in company with leading:

          1. Awareness – Segment recognizes company or product Examples>>

          2. Location of product for segment Examples>>

          3. Installation capabilities Examples>>

        4. Price Leader: The company can be counted on to lead the industry in price related innovations. Examples>>

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