For Shopping

A Final customer buying from an intermediary of the product The Final customer is the one who makes the final decision on what product to buy and from which supplier to buy it. Most consumer products, and many industrial products, reach Final customers through Intermediaries.

Acquire Steps: Acquire steps include all activities the customer completes preceding the purchase of the product. These steps include the customer's efforts needed to identify and evaluate Intermediaries and travel to the Intermediary location.

3. Intellectual:

A. Knowledge of company and company product
2. Familiarity with specific product
b. Customer segment uses a similar product:
3. For shopping




1 5300 1999 To build up an online hardware store, is acquiring Tool Crib of the North, a closely held mail-order business. Amazon will continue to print and distribute millions of catalogs under the 51-year-old Tool Crib name.
2 5331 1999 The goal of is to create an internet superstore featuring both vast selection and highly personalized service. The company has data on 31 million customers, which it will use to personalize Web pages and target e-mail. Revenue from the Web accounts for 10% of annual sales or $150 million.
3 6141 1990 An ad for Bank Americard Gold MasterCard and Visa compares them to American Express. The former two are accepted in far more locations than is the American Express card.
4 6211 2000 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co., trying to better integrate the Internet into its brokerage business, has plans to open 12 to 15 online-investment centers in big cities.
5 5300 1999 Sharper Image says its Internet site has attracted shoppers that are five to 10 years younger than those who traditionally buy from the stores. The Internet buyers who subsequently receive a catalog seem to be the most productive customers.
6 5092 2000's online arm of the 493 store chain, is showing the advantages of a clicks-and-mortar strategy. Financially the company is doing slightly better than The company will use PETsMART's warehouses to fulfill orders and the company will acquire some Net expertise.
7 5511 2004 Fighting back against online car buying sites, traditional dealerships are beefing up their own online offerings.
8 6211 2002 By starting the new private-client service, Schwab is leaving its image of a discount brokerage. It hopes to be able to create a well-established section without sacrificing the traditional brokerage, which constitutes 38% of the earnings.
9 6211 2002 E*Trade has opened "financial zones" in 26 Target SuperStores and glitzy financial centers in New York, Boston, Denver, San Francisco and Los Angeles. The Target zones are small (400 square ft) but the financial centers are large and spectacular.
10 7841 2002 In 2002 Wal-Mart Stores, the nation's largest retailer, joined the growing number of big companies that are sending consumers DVDs through the mail.