For Leisure Activities Outside the Home

A Final customer buying from an intermediary of the product The Final customer is the one who makes the final decision on what product to buy and from which supplier to buy it. Most consumer products, and many industrial products, reach Final customers through Intermediaries.

Acquire Steps: Acquire steps include all activities the customer completes preceding the purchase of the product. These steps include the customer's efforts needed to identify and evaluate Intermediaries and travel to the Intermediary location.

3. Intellectual:

A. Knowledge of company and company product
2. Familiarity with specific product
b. Customer segment uses a similar product:
4. For leisure activities outside the home




1 5812 2001 The CEO of Jack and the Box turned its image around in 1995 with its creation of the advertisement icon "Jack." Jack is modeled after the original clown but it acts as the CEO/founder of the company. "Jack" remains extremely popular with the company's younger consumers.