New in the Channel of Distribution

A Final customer buying from an intermediary of the product The Final customer is the one who makes the final decision on what product to buy and from which supplier to buy it. Most consumer products, and many industrial products, reach Final customers through Intermediaries.

Acquire Steps: Acquire steps include all activities the customer completes preceding the purchase of the product. These steps include the customer's efforts needed to identify and evaluate Intermediaries and travel to the Intermediary location.

3. Intellectual:

A. Knowledge of company and company product
2. Familiarity with specific product
d. Customer segment does not know product because the product is:
2. New in the channel of distribution




1 5700 2004 Ajax Phila Inc. created a website for the business by using an off the shelf template. The website began driving most of the company's sales. Many of the queries were about using appliances in upscale homes and stainless steel professional style ranges. In response Ajax transformed the Web site into They increased the variety of appliances carried, and added two retail locations.
2 5943 2001 Siebel eBusiness Consulting was in a printing bind, so it decided to give a try. The Web site had links to partner companies that do printing, copying, and other services on short notice. Siebel clicked on NowDocs, an online print shop that lets customers upload word files from their personal computers with data on what they want done. The work is printed at the nearest service center and sent to the customer in 2-4 hours via express delivery.
3 6141 2001 Providian Financial Corp. uses cable TV and the Internet to offer its credit cards to high-risk candidates, such as college students.
4 5045 2000 PeoplePC's deals with Ford and Delta will take the company into Europe and Asia for the first time.
5 6211 2002 E*Trade in 1982, started out as Trade Plus, a back-office software service for brokers and began competing with brokers at the time when investors became infatuated with the Internet. In 1996, Trade Plus turned into E*Trade.
6 5045 1987 Sears invests in direct sales to reach target corporate buyers
7 5699 1999 The Gap web site is promoted at every cash register, and recently in window displays with the slogan "" Clerks are trained to refer to Gap's Web site. Meanwhile online customers can return items purchased on the Net the old fashioned way, by walking into any neighborhood Gap.