Average – Some Acquaintance, But May Not Be Current Customer in the Industry
A Final customer buying from an intermediary of the product The Final customer is the one who makes the final decision on what product to buy and from which supplier to buy it. Most consumer products, and many industrial products, reach Final customers through Intermediaries.
Acquire Steps: Acquire steps include all activities the customer completes preceding the purchase of the product. These steps include the customer's efforts needed to identify and evaluate Intermediaries and travel to the Intermediary location.
3. Intellectual:
A. Knowledge of company and company product
3. Knowledge of product technology
b. Average – some acquaintance, but may not be current customer in the industry
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1 | 5812 | 2005 | Panera has long offered breads made with whole-grains but unlike the new line, they didn't meet the percentage required under new government standards. The government's focus on whole-grains has come at an opportune time, as bread bakers have recently fallen out of favor with the popularity of low-carb diets. |
2 | 5734 | 2001 | Apple Computer's new retail stores are selling more high-end PCs and laptops. Apple credits these sales to the highly-informed sales staff which can properly demonstrate Apple products' many features to customers. |
3 | 5731 | 2001 | Companies that cater to mass electronic sales such as Best Buy and Circuit City are now facing tougher competition from large specialty and regional electronic sellers, such as Good Guys Inc. and Ultimate Electronics Inc., which are leading in the growing market for higher-end electronic goods. These high-end retailers are doing so with premium products and excellent customer service. |
4 | 6282 | 2004 | Bankrate offers its own editorial content from 15 staff writers and around 20 free-lancers. And it sells data to newspapers and publishes three newsletters. |
5 | 5734 | 1988 | Businessland has focused largely on salespeople who go out and call on large corporate clients. It's product also ties computers together into networks. |
6 | 4833 | 2000 | Viacom Inc.'s Blockbuster video-store chain has teamed up with telephone companies and utility Enron Corp. to provide its own video-on-demand service by the end of the year. The Blockbuster Chief Executive said they will double the market for video rental. |
7 | 6399 | 1992 | Progressive starting new Express Quote Services. Customers call toll-free number and are interviewed for details that affect rates. For $25, Progressive will mail a list the following day of rates from the 8 largest insurers in CA, tailored to customer. |