Expert Users

A Final customer buying from an intermediary of the product The Final customer is the one who makes the final decision on what product to buy and from which supplier to buy it. Most consumer products, and many industrial products, reach Final customers through Intermediaries.

Maintain Steps: Maintain steps include all activities required to keep the product in working order. These steps include the costs the customer incurs to diagnose and correct product problems.

3. Intellectual:

A. Knowledge of company and company product
3. Knowledge of product technology
c. Above average – current customer. Members of the segment are:
2. Expert users




1 5900 2003 Staples has also tweaked the StaplesLink site design to make it easier for clients to order product and provide input. New technology lets customers track orders and search from a lists of 80,000 office products. Other changes let companies track spending accounts and get tips on how to make ordering more efficient.