Brainstorming Ideas: Intermediary Customers Purchasing from the Producer of the Product

Intermediary Customers Purchasing from the Producer of the Product. Each of these costs represent steps an intermediary or channel customer must take in connection with the product

Return Steps: The Return steps include activities required to return defective product to the supplier. These activities include the work to deliver the product to the supplier and receive credit for the returned product.

Emotional: Segment customers according to the personal emotional needs of the segment

  1. Needs for comfort and status

  2. Needs to avoid sources of anxiety

    1. RISKS IN RELATIONSHIP: The customer segment needs reassurance it can trust

      1. A piece of equipment or product – a specific product apart from the company or process Examples>>

      2. Company Capability: Company capability that crosses all products

        1. Function Leader: The company can be counted on to lead the industry in Function innovation Examples>>

        2. Reliability Leader: The company can be counted on to lead the industry in major aspects of Reliability Examples>>

        3. Convenience Leader: The company can be counted on to be the industry leader in Convenience innovation Examples>>

        4. Price Leader: The company can be counted on to lead the industry in Price related inovation Examples>>

<<Return to Return Steps